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A great 13th edition of HIHR in Rotterdam

Last Wednesday, Rotterdam Square joined the Healthy Ideas, Healthy Returns (HIHR) 2023 pitch event. With a broad network of around hundred investors, spin-offs and TTO-professionals within the Benelux, HIHR gives start-ups and early stage ideas looking for funding or feedback the opportunity to present their company for network partners and investors.

This 13th edition was hosted here in Rotterdam in the Rotterdam Science Tower. We enjoyed the very strong and high quality pitches from the start-ups, including a pitch from Willem Mees van der Bijl, CEO of Erasmus MC spin-off Spatium Medical, currently located in the Erasmus MC Incubator. It was great to see the interaction with the audience and involvement from investors. Very high quality participation!

A big thank you to Claar-els van Delft and Carla van Heck, the driving forces behind HIHR, for the professional and informative afternoon, their enthusiasm, and giving Rotterdam Square the opportunity to be involved in HIHR.

Willem Mees van der Bijl pitching for his start-up Spatium Medical at HIHR 2023

Date: November 24, 2023