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Fostering strategic partnerships at Erasmus MC symposium and Rotterdam Square Science Café

On Thursday, November 7, Rotterdam Square hosted the Erasmus MC TKI Mini-symposium ‘Public Private Partnership: building strategic partnerships’ and the Rotterdam Square Science Café in collaboration with the Erasmus MC TKI office. It was a well-attended event, bringing together industry and science and connecting the Life Sciences & Health ecosystem to foster strategic partnerships.

During the symposium, we were joined by guest speakers Stefan Sleijfer, Carmen Correa Martin, Pim Jansen, and a diverse panel that consisted of prof. Aad van der Lugt (Erasmus MC), prof. dr. Nico van Meeteren (Health~Holland), dr. Eric Farrell (Erasmus MC), Robert Al (Erasmus MC TTO), Peter Zandbergen (Philips), Lonneke Baas (InnovationQuarter), Willem Mees van der Bijl (Spatium Medical) and José Verstegen (Foundation for Immune Disorders). They joined the panel to share their perspectives on the importance of collaborations between science and industry. Bringing innovation to the market is crucial for making a global impact on healthcare, and companies play a key role in this process. Partnering with industry requires all partners to adopt an open mindset and embrace a multidisciplinary approach.

Not only are these collaborations important, but they are also incredibly fun and educational for everyone involved. It is through these public-private partnerships (PPP’s) that we can drive forward meaningful change and advance healthcare locally as well as worldwide.

To show results of PPP’s and share its successes, we were also joined by dr. Dalibor Vasilic, who took us along in his project Robotic digital microscopy and Surgical process modelling (Micro)surgery Redefined (DiMiRoS), and prof. dr.  Manon Spaander with her project the Digital Intake Tool in the colorectal cancer screening program (DIT). Both PPP projects are co-funded by the Health~Holland PPP Allowance.

Lastly, a big thank you to Heleen van der Valk-Hohner and Fred Balvert for collaborating with us to organize the symposium and for moderating the event and the panel discussion.

It was great to see so many entrepreneurs and scientists come together at the event and join for the networking drinks afterwards – bringing these parties together is our goal and important for strengthening the LSH ecosystem. Let’s continue to foster these valuable connections and work together to accelerate innovative healthcare solutions!

If you would like to connect with any of our guest speakers, reach out to them via LinkedIn or send us a message and we will connect you. If you are interested in joining our upcoming events, please check out our events page.

Date: November 12, 2024